Volume 9
№9 (2018): European historical studies: scientific journal
UDC 94
ISSN 2524-048X
Issue DOI http://doi.org/10.17721/2524-048X.2018.09
European integration: past and present
- Victoria Vdovychenko. Quo vadis, dear EU? (The evolution of european security strategies approaches in the changing European Union) 6-20
- Andriy Martynov. European historical studies: theoretical and conceptual aspects 21-41
- Svitlana Motruk. The Czech paradigm of european integration: problems and perspectives 42-64
Actual problems of european history and international relations
- Nataliya Kovalchiuk. Creative achievements of the famous ukrainian philosopher D. Tchyzhevsky in the global context 65-78
- Serhii Luchkanyn. Romania in the Second World War 1939–1945: unknown facts and new views on the problem 79-95
- Oleg Mashevskyi. The British Council’s activities in the Eastern and Central Europe at the beginning of XXI st. 96-126
- Oleksii Sokyrko. East Europe and the «military revolution» concept: the historiographic remarks 127-144
- Іhor Sribnyak. The activity of the «Relief Society for Ukrainian Schooling Youth in the Camps of the Interned in Poland» (Kalish-Shchipiorno) autumn 1923 – spring 1924 145-166
Science chronicle
- Oleg Mashevskyi. The traditions and tasks of the Ukrainian American Studies: «Ukraine and the USA: the experience and prospects of cooperation». The second international scientific conference 167-180
- Andriy Martynov, Hanna Harlan. The Aleksander Kwasniewski’s Polish Diplomatic Breakthrough to the EU and NATO (Natalia Buglay’s «Kwasniewski’s Epoque in Polish foreign policy (1995–2005)» review) 181-189
Information about the authors 190-191
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